Four-wheeling and Mud!
We went to Lompnieu this weekend. Lompnieu is a small town between Lyon and Geneva where
we have a stone farm house that has been in the family for several
generations. We have been fixing it up over the past 2 ½ years. The house was built in 1820, and like many houses of that region, has a barn attached to the house. We mainly heat the living part from the fireplace that has a pumping system that distributes the hot air to all the upstairs rooms. We would like to someday fix up the barn into a livable part of the house, but for now we mostly use it for storing stuff, David's lab, and a toolshed, but there is lots of possibilities for expansion. We have already built "Wintz Hall," a large floor on the first level
. (Mr. Wintz is
the one who designed and built the floor last summer, with the help of Mr. Nance, my dad, David, and I. Click Here for pictures of the construction last June.) Anyway, we had a really fun four-wheeler ride! Redneck (that's what we call the big one-360 c.c. 4WD with front-end differential control-a real monster) got stuck for the first time in the mud. Ladybug (that's the smaller four-wheeler) did manage to get through, but only by going around some of the mud! Click Here to see the Video, or save file by right click Here. Those who know me know I don't go anywhere without my camera :) Hopefully the camera will be fine inspite of the mud that got on it! The view was gorgeous on the ride up as well!
Labels: Four-Wheeling, France, Lompnieu
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