Foucachon Family Blog         

The Blog of Daniel and Lydia Foucachon

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Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Hi! My name is Daniel Foucachon. I am American and French, and currently reside in Moscow, Idaho, with my wonderful wife Lydia, and my 4 kids Edmund, William, Margaux, and Ethan. I am the founder of Roman Roads Media, a publishing company creating video courses geared towards high school aged homeschoolers.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Cold Water!!

We were emptying our pool today because we have to take it down (it's an old out-of-ground Pool). David and I got two strong siphon's going which we directed into the gutter. We left it thinking it would empty just fine. A few hours later we saw the neighbor in front of our gate, and he told us that his garage was flooded! It turned out that not all the water was going into the gutter, but some was going strait into his back yard, and the gutter apparently was overflowing! Of course we stopped the siphon, but there was still about ¼ of the water left. After a few hours we thought it safe to start the siphon again, except this time I had to get IN the pool up to my knees to do it. IT WAS COLD!!!