A Happy Announcement - December 24th, 2007
Something happened exactly one month ago, on the Eve of Christmas, which I have not blogged about due to a rather full life. But, it is most certainly worthy of note. It all started about two in the afternoon, when my favorite person, a most beautiful, wonderful, godly, cheerful, delightful, pleasant, funny, cute, adorable, intelligent, classically educated, (and did I mention beautiful?) girl came over to spend "a few hours" with me. We went four-wheeling. It was below freezing, a bit windy. We four-wheelered right onto the top of the big "wheat dunes" (now tilled, frozen, and covered in snow). The day was absolutely magnificent. The sun was shining through the clouds in long bright rays towards the South, and Moscow Mountain was looking a blue-ish, grayish colour which made it look like it was a painting rather than real life, except for the vividness of the colours. The snow was wisping over the hills all around us.
After about an hour of that, we returned onto our land. I told Lydia that we could park on the flatter part, out near Mr. Merkles old truck, and take a walk.
We were out there probably about an hour, and it was really cold!
After spending some time getting warmer in the truck, we headed back in the four-wheeler. My parents were waiting for us, so we got our first round of congratulations which, thanks to Valerie filming, was filmed. It has now been a month, and a wonderful month it has been! I didn't think it possible, but I love Lydia more every day! Sorry guys, the best is taken...
Labels: amour, Engagement, Family, Four-Wheeling, Love, Lydia, ring
Bonjour. Je ne sais pas parler anglais, mais j'ai vu votre vidéo et j'ai constaté qu'il faut s'occuper des pied de votre petit poney flicka, lui faire parer par un maréchal ferrand. Amicalement Priss
Congratulations and best wishs!
Congratulations, Daniel! The Guthrie's are thrilled at the news and rejoice with you and your family. We so wish we could join you for the occasion! Blesings to you and Lydia.
Mark, Laura, Christian, and Victoria
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