A psalm is the tranquility of souls, the arbitrator of peace, restraining the disorder and turbulence of thoughts, for it softens the passion of the soul, and moderates its unruliness. A psalm forms friendships, unites the divided, mediates between enemies. For who can still consider him an enemy with whom he has sent forth one voice to God? So that the singing of psalms bring love, the greatest of good things, contriving harmony like some bond of union and uniting the people in the symphony of a single choir.
A psalm is the work of angels, the ordinance of Heaven, the incense of the Spirit. Oh, the wise invention of the teacher who devised that we might at the same time sing and learn profitable things, whereby doctrines are somehow more deeply impressed up the mind!”
- St. Basil
c. 370 AD
aquired during research for my music paper, and an excerpt from www.danielfoucachon.com
and a few random pictures:
These, ladies and gentlemen, are escargots being sizzled to perfection at West of Paris!

A St. Andy's Chiasm
Daniel Alders, my perturbing photographic assistant.
Judah Merkle, whatafella

Mr. Merkle...one of the last pictures I took of him.
Rather random... I found it in My Documents and remembered that I wanted to post it:
Deborah and me with Aaron Shupe and the Rubberband at Trinity Fest.
And.... Last but not least, my new truck: I am now the proud owner of Mr. Merkle's, green, 34 year-old, ancient, beautiful, powerful, gas guzzling, heavy duty, Ford 72, 250, purrs-like-a-kitten (though asthma smitten kitten), stick shift, cool, etc truck. It's in perfect shape except for a few small things that don't work, such as: cd-player, rear-view mirror, heat, blinkers (at least not right one), odometer, speedometer, hand brake, etc.. :-)
It's so much fun to drive! Now I just need to figure an as-cheap-as-possible insurrance. (since I don't think I should trust it as my main car without investing a good bit into...which would be hard at present)
Blessings on your finals NSA Students!!