Foucachon Family Blog         

The Blog of Daniel and Lydia Foucachon

My Photo
Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Hi! My name is Daniel Foucachon. I am American and French, and currently reside in Moscow, Idaho, with my wonderful wife Lydia, and my 4 kids Edmund, William, Margaux, and Ethan. I am the founder of Roman Roads Media, a publishing company creating video courses geared towards high school aged homeschoolers.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

West of Paris work

Things have been moving right along at West of Paris. The hood is currently being installed. Here are a few pics: (more pics on link)

Great view from up here!

We had to break the new drywall to get the hood in!!

Tada! Hurry on back to Moscow, those of you who have left!