Foucachon Family Blog         

The Blog of Daniel and Lydia Foucachon

My Photo
Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Hi! My name is Daniel Foucachon. I am American and French, and currently reside in Moscow, Idaho, with my wonderful wife Lydia, and my 4 kids Edmund, William, Margaux, and Ethan. I am the founder of Roman Roads Media, a publishing company creating video courses geared towards high school aged homeschoolers.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Chalcedon Term

A new term at NSA has begun! Here are the courses that I'm taking:
  • Lordship - this term is practical theology
  • Rhetoric - Poetry term!
  • Latin - complete with Passive Periphrastic's, Ablatives of every kind, and Subjunctives!
  • Euclidean Geometry - We're really digging into Euclid's philosophy. It's great!

Thanking God for another term!

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Star of Bethlehem

Doug Wilson preached a sermon during the Christmas season that I really appreciated! It was about the miracle that surrounds the account of the wise men being led by the Star of Bethlehem, but he ties that into the miracles that surround us everyday.
A few quotes:
"How can you breath? what's with that?"
"Your world is way too bizarre to be real."
"You could spend the rest of your life getting PHD's in what's going-on on one square inch of your lawn."

I'd like to post it here for all you students who were gone (or go to Trinity), and for all those who don't have the privilege of being here in Moscow.

The Star of Bethlehem (9.3 MB)
Used with permission

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Year of our Lord, 2006

Family and friends, Happy New Year!!

We had a great New Years celebration! We had the Wintz family, plus an extension (commonly known as a cousin) over to our house and had quite the feast! After eating we "prayed the new year in", exchanged New Year greetings (the French way) and sang a few hymns.

Here was our menu:

  • Apéritif / Cocktail
    Pâte feuilletée farcie de Comté Suisse

    Puff-pastry stuffed with Swiss Comté cheese
  • Mise-en-Bouche / Pre-appetizer
    Le Duo de mousses—aux avocats et aux crevettes et poivrons rouges

    The Duo of mousses—avocado on shrimp and red bell peppers
  • Entrée / Appetizer
    Des crevettes assaisonnées, du saumon fumé, et du foie gras sur un lit de salade Mesclun

    Seasoned shrimp, smoked salmon, and foie gras lying in a bed of mesclun salad
  • Plat Principal / Main Dish
    Oie rôtie à la farce de châtaigne, sauce Courvoisier—avec la purée du Nord-ouest et des petits pois aux oignons

    Roast goose with chestnut stuffing and a Courvoisier sauce—with Northwest potato purée and green peas and onions
  • Fromages assortis / Cheese plate
  • Dessert
    Turinois de marrons au chocolat, sur un coulis de framboise fait maison

    Chocolate-chestnut Delight on a pool of homemade raspberry sauce

Click HERE for pics. Deb did a great job on the table!