Foucachon Family Blog         

The Blog of Daniel and Lydia Foucachon

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Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Hi! My name is Daniel Foucachon. I am American and French, and currently reside in Moscow, Idaho, with my wonderful wife Lydia, and my 4 kids Edmund, William, Margaux, and Ethan. I am the founder of Roman Roads Media, a publishing company creating video courses geared towards high school aged homeschoolers.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Three Good Bottles of Wine

I just acquired 3 fairly nice bottles of wine to add to my collection. Auchan is having their "Foire au vin", so I took advantage of that to buy a few while they had a large selection. The first one is "Château Haut-Maurac" 2001 which is a Cru Bourgeois from the Médoc region. It has the 2003 silver medal from the "Concours Mondial Bruxelles". The second is a "Château Larrivet Haut Brion" 2002. I was hoping it was one of the Château Haut-Brion wines, or similar, but it seems to be somewhat of a lesser wine than that one. The real Château Haut-Brion wines cost over 150 Euros anyway! The third bottle is a "Château Labégorce Margaux" 2002. The French Magazine, Le Point had this to say about the Château Labégorce's 2002 vintage: "Mild spices, white flowers, black-currant, bilberry. No dazzling woodiness, but a sumptuous fruitiness supported by a compact tannic background. Very long in the mouth and extremely elegant. This wine would hold its own if placed amid the crus classés." (source)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

C' est avec un grand plaisir que je decouvre ces bouteilles qui, j' en doute pas, doivent etre exquises. Le vin Francais est parmi les meilleurs, sa renommee s' etant au quatres coins du monde, et notamment en Australie ou je reside.
Bonne degustation!

July 19, 2005 8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Je suis maintenant au etats-unis, et je n'arrive pas a trouver les memes vins.

July 19, 2005 7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


October 15, 2005 10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


October 15, 2005 10:11 AM  

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