We went to Lompnieu on David's birthday. There was lots of snow! The four-wheeler


trouble getting up the path, as you can see from the pictures. We tried several times, and kept getting stuck! We finally made it through (but barely) by cutting across a field. I also tried snow shoeing. I think this was my first time, unless I tried it back in Quebec. It was great! The sun was shining and the snow was fresh! It was absolutely beautiful!
David spend a good bit of time in his lab.

He is trying to make bio diesel.

He is lacking Methanol, and is trying to make do with ethanol, but that makes it a lot harder. Anyway, that's what I gleaned from what he said:) chemistry is not my thing! (I like balancing equations, but that's about it!)
We also had a spectacular snow fight! We made two teams, Daddy and Val, agaist Deborah and me. (David was busy in his lab) Each team built a snow fort! It was a lot of fun, the only problem with this kind of thing is

that both sides claim victory:) When we left, Flicka "took" our fort:)

Labels: Four-Wheeling, France, Lompnieu